The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 2 Episode 6


with Alice Vincent

The nature memoir is something of a publishing phenomenon just now – but, unlike much that becomes highly fashionable, and subsequently rather tedious, I can’t imagine a time when I’ll weary of hearing about yet another book in which I get to read of another’s life experience set within the context of the natural world. In this episode, I talk to Alice Vincent about how she found the process of writing Rootbound. Rewilding a Life, and some of the key themes of the book.
Gardens Weeds & Words podcast season 2 episode 6

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Plants and humans – both benefit from a little guidance, some setting of boundaries, but neither really flourish under duress. I spend a little time this episode mulling over what exactly being ‘rootbound’ means to a plant (including for a couple of contrary characters that seem to relish the experience), before talking to Alice about her second book, Rootbound. Rewilding a Life (which I reviewed for the blog here), the process of writing a nature memoir, and what everyone’s favourite balcony gardener is up to next.

There’s a micro review of a favourite book on my shelves, Roger Deakin’s Notes from Walnut Tree Farm. It’s actually a posthumous collection of musings and observations from the notebooks he kept daily over the last six years of his life, and while it might not quite fit into the category of nature memoir, it does include some of his initial thoughts on his book Wildwood, which most certainly does belong to that genre. For what all of that’s worth – they’re just stonkingly good books, by a stonkingly good writer. Extracts beautifully read for us, as ever, by Rose White.

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Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S02E06 show notes

A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

These notes may contain affiliate links. 

Garden soundtrack

More winter behind than before us

The cold and damp – joys of a good fire at the end of the day.

Micro book review 02:02

Roger Deakin’s Notes from Walnut Tree Farm

Published by Hamish Hamilton, 2008

Extracts read by Rose White

Winter - a challenge for the indoor gardener

Being rootbound – a problem for houseplants…

…and also for plants in nurseries

…though a very few plants respond well to having their roots restricted. At least in terms of flowering.

A rootbound person? Some restrictions might be beneficial, but no-one likes to feel bound...

Interview with Alice Vincent 09:26 

10:40 Alice describes her new book

11:47 Three ways in which gardening gets us

17:25 Writing a nature memoir

24:14 The experiences of women as represented in the book

26:35 Gendered questions that keeps coming up around nature

30:33 What’s the draw of Japan?

36:53 Gardening now on the Treehouse Balcony

42:25 What’s next for Alice


Thank you to Alice for joining me on this episode. Alice’s first book is How to Grow Stuff You can read my review of Rootbound. Rewilding a Life on the blog here

The Noughticulture talks at the Garden Museum

Alice Vincent in the Telegraph

Alice on Instagram

Thanks too to Rose White for reading for us once again, this time from Roger Deakin’s Notes from Walnut Tree Farm. You can find Rose here

With thanks to all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees. 


You can hear find the podcast trailer and the first four episodes here, either on iTunes or on Switcher.

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A year of garden coaching

I’m very excited about my new venture – it’s a way for me to work with more people than I can physically get around to, helping them to make the very best of their gardens in a way that suits the life they lead. There are a very few spots remaining at the introductory price, please click here to book a place.

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, writer, photographer, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking this image.
